HuskerTech Computer Cleanup

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We use advanced tools to remove common viruses, worms, trojans, adware, and spyware. These tools also assist with resolving other issues with your operating system and applications.

Common symptoms of computer issues:

  • Computer running slow
  • Pop-ups
  • Antivirus software notifications
  • Error messages
  • Computer restarting without warning

If you feel your computer is at risk, please bring it to the HuskerTECH Help Center. No appointment needed.

Some viruses, worms, trojans, or spyware may not be removable and will instead require a data backup and a full reinstall of the operating system. Cleanups typically take 2-3 business days. The HuskerTECH Help Center is not open during weekends.

Cleanups cost $100 plus tax per device per cleanup. The fee will be waived for the first device cleanup per calendar year for current students only.

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