Patch Management

Zoom logoPatch Management ensures that University endpoints are consistently running the latest approved versions of operating systems, security patches, and common third-party applications. Protecting devices from vulnerabilities and ensuring compatibility with services.

Getting Started

Endpoints enrolled in Patch Management proactively receive updates for Operating Systems and common third-party applications. This ensures University desktops, laptops, and mobile devices are consistently running the latest supported versions of software, are patched for OS security, and are compatible with commonly used applications and services.

For detailed information about Patch Management Services, review the following resources:


University owned endpoints are eligible for this service.


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Alternatively, contact your campus Help Center location via email, by phone, or in person.

Request Service

Related Articles (2)

Operating system patch and security updates are software releases issued by OS developers to fix vulnerabilities, enhance performance, and add features. Operating System patches are frequently released to ensure systems remain resilient and protected against evolving cyber threats
Third-party application updates involve software patches or upgrades released by developers outside of the original platform provider. These updates enhance functionality, fix bugs, and address security vulnerabilities in applications. This article details the processes for running third-party application updates on Windows and macOS.

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