Cloud Website Hosting Server and Storage Management

NU ITS will help you configure and grant you access to host your website on either Azure or AWS.

Benefits & Features

Cloud providers make hosting a static website extremely easy, along with tools for certificate management and domain registration they can be an easy and low cost option for simple website hosting.  You upload your website's files to storage on either vendor and then configure the domain to point to the site hosted on the storage.  More complex (dynamic) websites do not fit this use-case and generally are deployed using a variety of other cloud services but do not hesitate to reach out to use with the ideas/goals for your next web hosting project.


The cost of the site will depend on the size of the static files and the traffic expected to the site, more traffic results in a higher cost.


For web console access to the backend storage we will need an NU ID of the person managing the static files.  We will also need a Cost Center Object to tie to the cloud resources for the ongoing cost.

NU ITS will not be responsible for web development of the site or managing the static content.  

To get started submit a ticket to the ITS Help Desk and we'll help you find the best solution.


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